Paul Bäumer de Bingo Players le diagnostican cancer

      Paul Bäumer de Bingo Players le diagnostican cancer

      For the last month Bingo Players have been performing as only one half of the electro duo. While Maarten’s taken the stage, Paul has been seeking medical treatment and has just announced on the duo’s website that he has been diagnosed with cancer. Despite the news, Bäumer remains optimistic and will continue to produce and run Hysteria Records while he receives his treatments. Maarten will be representing the duo on tour.

      Our thoughts and prayers go out to Paul for a quick and speedy recovery.

      Read Paul’s letter after the break.

      As some of you may know, I have been in the hospital over the past few weeks and I have not been at some of the recent shows while seeking medical treatment. I now have the results back and I wanted to let you know that I have been diagnosed with cancer.

      As devastating as this news has been for me and my family, I am ready to fight this.

      From the beginning, Bingo Players has been about me and Maarten sharing the music that we love, both through our records and with you at shows. I will continue to be actively involved in all areas of Bingo Players and Hysteria Records with Maarten. But for the foreseeable future Maarten will be representing both of us on the road, while I’ll be seeking medical treatment as well as working in the studio, taking lead on running our label etc.

      All shows that are planned will still be happening and we will have more tour announcements coming. For us, we want to continue to help create those meaningful and memorable experiences from our music and shows, but as you can imagine in light of this news, we need to make some adjustments and we hope you understand. As I said earlier I’m ready to fight this thing and hope to be on that stage again with you guys in the future!!!!!

      Much Love,…rs-diagnosed-with-cancer/
      Es muy triste, pero debemos informarles que la madrugada del día de hoy 18 de diciembre de 2013, Paul Bäumer, genio de la música electrónica e integrante del famoso dúo Bingo Players murió debido al cáncer que padecía y del cual estuvo luchando fuertemente estos últimos meses.

      Paul fue diagnosticado con cáncer a mediados de éste año y desde que la noticia salió a la luz, recibió el apoyo de todos sus fans, amigos y colaboradores.

      En la página oficial de Bingo Players, está un mensaje de Maarten mencionando la noticia. La página está colapsada en estos momentos, pero aquí hay una captura de pantalla

      Es una noticia terrible, Descanza en paz Paul, te recordaremos por tu grandiosa musica y talento.

      Fuente: ElectronicaMX


      Hoy ha muerto uno de los fuertes de la música dance. Nunca más volveremos a escuchar del talento de Bingo Players. Uno de los grupos más conocidos del dance ha visto interrumpida hoy forzosamente su marcha. Descansa en paz Pau Bäumer. :(